Broadly Speaking

Here’s the latest podcast from Broad Universe: Welcome to the very first Broadly Speaking edition of the Broad Pod. Broadly Speaking brings you interviews and insights from women writers of science fiction, fantasy, and horror – and all the realms in...

Another BroadPod Up

The BroadPod is brought to you by Broad Universe, an international, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting, celebrating, and honoring women who write science fiction, fantasy, and horror. This month is hosted byJustine Graykin, freelance philosopher and...

Critter’s Best of Poll

Every year Critter’s Writing Workshop has a reader’s poll of the best published that year. This year I have a story in one of the anthologies listed:  The Aether Age:  Helios. If you’d like to participate, you may cast your vote here.

Tucson Memorial

We watched the Tucson Memorial service last night because we knew it could be a moment of national healing, a moment where our hearts would be uplifted. And we were right. One of Congresswoman Gifford’s staff talked about her healing process, how she’s there, bringing...