The National Mall as the Tree of Life

Many people have speculated that the National Mall in Washington, D.C. is laid out as a Tree of Life. Some dispute this idea, pointing to the fact that L’Enfant’s original plan stopped just past the White House and the far side was still marsh. Masons have continued...

Mehler on Jeff Rense Show

Stephen Mehler, my favorite Egyptologist (actually Khemitologist, but more on that later) spoke to Jeff Rense about the Egyptian Revolution. Give it a listen if that flips your switch.

Sacred Geometry in Washington, D.C.

On a recent trip to Washington, D.C., I took some time to study the sacred geometry of the city. This was research for The Star Family, a book set partially in D.C. Sacred geometry means building in harmony with nature’s designs, such as using the golden mean or...