by Theresa Crater | Sep 6, 2011 | Just Life, Politics
I recently received an email asking me if I was the same Theresa Crater who talked to Richard Nixon about the Beatles. I answered yes and asked how s/he knew (Lee P). This little piece of the past had floated up from the Seattle Times and been reposted: Could Beatles...
by Theresa Crater | Aug 26, 2011 | Ancient Artifacts, Beneath the Hallowed Hill, Fantasy, Spirit
Mystery writer Steve Berry puts a section at the end of his books that talks about what’s real and what’s made up. Yes, mystery and fantasy writers do research and use it in their novels. What we do with that research is sometimes made-up, but it’s the mix of the...
by Theresa Crater | Aug 11, 2011 | Beneath the Hallowed Hill, Spirit, Under the Stone Paw
At the end of Under the Stone Paw, the characters who are carrying crystal keys go into the temple beneath the Sphinx and they all slip into a higher state of consciousness. I describe it this way: “Just as a river surrenders to the sea, all their limitations simply...
by Theresa Crater | Aug 3, 2011 | Ancient Sites, Under the Stone Paw
In Under the Stone Paw, one of the theories that I researched came from Ab’del Hakim Awyan, who was an Egyptologist and tour guide for many years. He lived a block from the Sphinx and woke up every morning to look at her face. When Stephen Mehler, his student...
by Theresa Crater | Jun 30, 2011 | Beneath the Hallowed Hill, Reviews
Laurie-J of Night Owl Reviews has reviewed Beneath the Hallowed Hill. Read the review here.
by Theresa Crater | Jun 18, 2011 | Beneath the Hallowed Hill, Reviews
Kathleen Wagner has written the best review of Beneath the Hallowed Hill yet, although the others were pretty stellar! Read it here. Barnes & Noble.
by Theresa Crater | Jun 17, 2011 | Beneath the Hallowed Hill, Reviews
Beneath the Hallowed Hill has two new reviews on Amazon.
by Theresa Crater | Jun 12, 2011 | Beneath the Hallowed Hill, Reviews
Christina St. Clair has written a new review of Beneath the Hallowed Hill.
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