by Theresa Crater | Dec 19, 2011 | Ancient Sites, Fantasy, Publishing, Spirit
I’m honored to have a story included in the anthology Ride the Moon from the new Canadian science fiction/fantasy press Tyche Books, Ltd. Just look at this list of great writers. My story is “White Moon,” based on the story of the Mayan Goddess...
by Theresa Crater | Dec 19, 2011 | Info
Winter Solstice was celebrated in the British Isles in a very special way. Many of the great monuments were built to track the sun. Many of the mounds are oriented so that the sun enters their long entrance ways and illuminates their inner chamber on the solstice. The...
by Theresa Crater | Nov 22, 2011 | Aether Age
The Aether Age: Helios eBook is on sale today at amazon for $0.99. My short story “Bringing the Waters” is in it, along with a lot of great fiction creating an alternative history of Egypt and Greece. Click here for the link.
by Theresa Crater | Oct 30, 2011 | Just Life, Paganism
Samhain is upon us. Halloween. All Hallows Eve. The beginning of the Celtic New Year. The day out of time in the Celtic calendar. The night when the veils are thinnest. The cross-quarter holiday between autumn equinox and winter solstice. The opposite of Beltane or...
by Theresa Crater | Oct 9, 2011 | Politics
In the mid twentieth century, Thomas S. Kuhn wrote his landmark The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. He talked about how science changes. Not in the neat and orderly way we might think it should. If something is proven, then everyone should accept the facts,...
by Theresa Crater | Sep 23, 2011 | Just Life, Spirit
Today is Mabon, the Fall Equinox. The day and night are equal. The sun rises due east and sets due west. This is the harvest of fruits. Lammas (August 1st) began the harvest season with harvesting grains. In Greece it was the time of the Eleusinian Mysteries, a major...
by Theresa Crater | Sep 16, 2011 | Publishing, Writing
Writer Beware writes about the Google lawsuit today. It’s going to court at last. Google wanted to become a library for out of print books, a noble goal, but in their jeal they grabbed books that were still in print, books that the author had the rights to. Then...
by Theresa Crater | Sep 12, 2011 | Ancient Sites, Arthurian Legend, Beneath the Hallowed Hill, Fantasy, Readings
Listen to Megan’s trip to visit the fae in Beneath the Hallowed Hill with a couple of new paragraphs not in the current edition. The latest Broad Pod, September 2011: Fairy Tales for Grown-Ups, is available for you to enjoy! Thank...
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