Best SF/F/H of the decade

Over at Tor, they want us to let them know what we think was the best SF/F of the decade. Even if you don’t want to vote, it’s an excellent reading list. I voted for The Windup Girl by Colorado writer Paolo Bacigalupi. What’s your vote?

Yes, we’ve been in the new millennium for ten years. Can you believe it?

Happy Solstice

Happy Solstice–the longest night giving birth to the light. This solstice we’re also treated to a full moon in Gemini, a full lunar eclipse, and a galactic grand cross. Quite the series of events to usher in the Age of Aquarius. Here’s the astrology of this event explained. Enjoy the flood of energy.

New Podcast

Listen to me reading from Under the Stone Paw, rereleased in April by Double Dragon. Join Broad Universe for the 11th Episode of the Broad Pod! This December, as the northern hemisphere approaches longer days and the southern hemisphere,
longer nights, five broads share tales of light overcoming darkness. Join hostess Trish Wooldridge, as she introduces you to Rin Kutoji, Christy Tohara, Kim Vandervort, Theresa Crater, and Kathryn Hinds, who lend us sparks of hope in troubled times.

Aether Age: Helios

Ever wish Ancient Egypt had never faded? So does the Aether Age series. This alternative history anthology imagines a world where Egypt and Greece still rule.

My latest short story, “Bringing the Waters,” is one in this fun collection.

Buy Monday, November 29th!