The U.S. Pluto Return

What the heck is going on? The U.S. has been in political and social chaos for a few years now. People are deeply divided. Facts don’t make an impact on discussions. A pandemic swept through—actually a few since the virus kept mutating. Political corruption keeps...

Justice and Mercy: Finding the Balance

The recent US election results have created a storm of reaction, ranging from let’s revolt, even violently, to let’s all be kind to each other and hope nothing bad happens. These are two expressions of the two spiritual forces of Justice and Mercy. Two unbalanced...

Random Penguins

Obama has won a resounding victory. Marijuana is now legal in Colorado and Washington. Three states passed marriage equality. And Random House and Penguin are merging. On this last, the Author’s Guild is less than enthusiastic. Read their statement on the...

What Science and Politics Have in Common

In the mid twentieth century, Thomas S. Kuhn wrote his landmark The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. He talked about how science changes. Not in the neat and orderly way we might think it should. If something is proven, then everyone should accept the facts,...

When I Talked to Nixon

I recently received an email asking me if I was the same Theresa Crater who talked to Richard Nixon about the Beatles. I answered yes and asked how s/he knew (Lee P). This little piece of the past had floated up from the Seattle Times and been reposted:  Could Beatles...

The Personal is NOT Political–Always

Back in the day, the budding feminist movement of the 60s had a slogan:  “the personal is political.” What did it mean? When women experienced inequality or violence against them, it was often in what was thought of as the personal world. If a woman was physically...