Short Story Sale

I’m honored to have a story included in the anthology Ride the Moon from the new Canadian science fiction/fantasy press Tyche Books, Ltd. Just look at this list of great writers.

My story is “White Moon,” based on the story of the Mayan Goddess Ixchel. Ixchel is a moon goddess, the consort of the sun god, mother of the four jaguar priests. And it’s the name of the mystery crystal skull that was revealed at the 11.11.11 conference in L.A where my own consort, Stephen Mehler, was a guest speaker. The story includes Mayan mythology, magic, crystal skulls and sound healing.

In her myth cycle, Ixchel marries Itzamna, the sun, but grows tired of his hot temper. When she leaves him, she goes to her island, Cozumel, where she lives among women as a midwife and healer. I took this theme of the ebb and flow of relationships, and the ebb and flow of human consciousness.

A special note:  if you find that you resemble a character in this story, remember not to read too much into it. This is not really you, but a character in a story written for fun.

Google Lawsuit Going to Court

Writer Beware writes about the Google lawsuit today. It’s going to court at last.

Google wanted to become a library for out of print books, a noble goal, but in their jeal they grabbed books that were still in print, books that the author had the rights to. Then they posted these books in violation of copyright laws. When this was pointed out to them, what did they say? Tough.

They put my first novel up on Google Books while I still owned the copyright. We all had to go through a lot of rigamarole to get our books down. Some had luck; others didn’t. The courts refused to hear the case, although it was tried in Europe and the courts there found against Google.

University libraries have copies of these illegally obtained books and finally the case is going to court.

It takes a lot of work to write a book. Shouldn’t people get paid for their labor?

Realms of Fantasy publishes 100th issue

Santa Rosa, CA, May 29, 2011: Kim Richards Gilchrist, publisher of Realms of Fantasy announced today the publication of the magazine’s milestone 100th issue.

Realms of Fantasy celebrates 100 issues with an expanded 100 page issue for June 2011

Gilchrist mentioned in her announcement that in celebration of the magazine’s 100th issue, the June 2011 issue is 100 pages long with additional fiction and art, more columns, a few surprises and the debut of poetry with work by Ursula Le Guin. The popular column, Folkroots,
addresses the subject of fairies.

“We’re thrilled and excited to share this issue with fantasy fans. You only get to 100 once and so we’ve pulled out all the stops,” Gilchrist says.

The June 2011 issue of Realms of Fantasy ships to stores this week. It will be available in a digital format from the Realms of Fantasy website on Saturday, June 4, 2011. For more information and a sneak peek at what’s in store for the 100th issue, visit Realms of Fantasy online at