Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions for The Star Family

1. Had you heard of the Moravians before reading this book? What is the history of your family’s religious tradition that you’ve always found fascinating?

2. The Advent Star used to be seen only where Moravians settled, but it has grown in popularity, especially with on-line markets. Have you ever seen one? The star was created from a geometry lesson in the boy’s school in Neisky, Germany. Could you have made something like this in junior high? Here’s a link to the Wikipedia page on the star.

3. Jane is surprised to discover the teachings of Count Zinzendorf during the 1740s, later called the shifting times. What was your reaction to the Trinity being called Father, Mother Child?

4. The Moravians were early settlers and in order to do the work necessary to establish a village, they lived in choirs. They were divided by gender and age. This changed in the nineteenth century, when people lived in more traditional families. What do you see as the pros and cons of this arrangement? Would you like to live in such a community? Below is an image of the Single Brothers’ House in Old Salem (NC). The Single Sisters’ House is now part of Salem College, the first women’s college in the country.

5. Zinzendorf taught that there was nothing shameful about the body, that it had been redeemed through Christ. He further taught that sexuality between married partners mirrored Christ’s relationship to the church, bridegroom to bride. What is your reaction to this idea?

6. Jane is scandalized when she discovers the ‘kabinet’. Since married couples lived separately, they met in the blue cabinet for marital relations, as they were modestly called. Their union was seen as partaking of the same idea as the man standing in as the bridegroom and the woman as the spirit yearning for union with God. Other spiritual traditions teach sacred sexuality, most famously the Vedas through tantra. What are your thoughts about these ideas and practices?

7. The Moravian bishop Comenius was a famous education reformer in the 1600s. Following in his footsteps, the Moravians taught girls along with boys, stressing the importance of education. This and other teachings elevated the status of women. The Moravians even had female ministers in the early days. What are your thought about this?


8. The author was surprised to discover that the famous poet and painter William Blake had connections to the Moravians. he says, “I saw a book at a fair called William Blake’s Sexual Path to Spiritual Vision and was curious. In the preface, I discovered that Blake’s mother was a member of the church in London during the 1740s when these ideas were being taught. My church taught sacred sexuality? Why didn’t anybody tell me? I had to learn more. That’s how this book came about.” Schuchard thinks many of Blake’s ideas about gender and sexuality expressed in his poems and paintings came from the Moravians. Here’s a link to Marsha Keith Schuchard’s book about Blake. Had you heard of Blake before reading this book?


9. Had you ever heard of the idea of sacred geometry before? Do you think a building that uses the same proportions found in nature would make a difference to how people feel in it? How about a town? The village of Salem was slated to be built using sacred geometry, but the hilly terrain made it impossible. Paris and Washington, D.C. have sacred geometry in their layout. Do you know of any other buildings or places that use this idea?

10. The author was advised to make Jane Frey younger if she wanted her book to be published by a big company in New York. But she stuck to her guns and kept Jane an older heroine. What is your reaction to Jane? Her firing? Her rekindling an old romance? Did you enjoy reading about an older heroine or would you have preferred someone more traditional?

11. What are your favorite traditions related to the winter holidays?

A note from the author:  I love to hear from readers. Please send me an email if you have comments or questions:   theresa@theresalcrater.com. You can also join my newsletter on the home page to receive news, special offers, and exclusive content.