Imbolc ~ The Light Grows Stronger

Happy Imbolc everyone, the old Pagan holiday halfway between Winter Solstice and Spring Equinox. February 1st or 2nd. The days grow longer. Perhaps the snowdrops have appeared where you live. This time is sacred to the Lady, the child-woman, the virgin who is known as Brighid. Virgin, yet the mother of the Child of Light who is growing stronger. In the Southern Hemisphere, we celebrate the opposite holiday on the wheel of the year, the harvest of Lammas.

Christians adopted Imbolc as St. Brigid’s Day, also is known as Candlemas, recognizing this as a fire holiday. Brighid is also a triple goddess of the fires of the forge, health, and poetry. It is a day for initiation. A day of opening.

In Under the Stone Paw, the opening of the temple beneath the paws of the Sphinx takes place on this day. Here’s an excerpt:

The five moved as one up the six stairs into the small, precious chalice of a room, taking their places on the smaller star tetrahedron laid out in tile on the floor. Each stood tall, arms up, waiting for the flow of cosmic energy from the galactic core handed down through the star tetrahedron of planets in the alignment.

Beside each Keeper, several octaves higher in dimensional frequency, stood a Neter in the lighter blue star tetrahedron, adding its voice, holding up the sacred flame. Ptah stood with Michael, Sekhmet with Anne, Horus with Tahir, Osiris with Marchant, and Isis with Maria. Now they were ten. Cagliostro took the empty place in the formation, but Hathor waited by the entrance.

Something coiled at the bottom of the Nile, down deep near Elephantine, woke, and stretched its head. Power stirring from far south flowed downriver, gathering force as it came. From Khnum’s island and the island of Bigeh it flowed, from the root of physical form to the womb of the world, then to Kom Ombo, where the great crocodile dove in and swam northward. The river of power rolled on through the great temples at Karnak, Dendara, Abydos, and Edfu, the essence of each temple they’d visited joining the flow, braiding in its particular frequency, its special light. The vast flood reached Giza, the crown jewel in the spine of the Nile, and the Keepers were inundated. Just as a river surrenders to the sea, all their limitations simply washed away.

A door opened in their unified mind, an ancient door containing certain knowledge. Everyone knew at once.

May light fill you on this sacred day!