Robin Gregory starts off my series of interviews with writers of Visionary Fiction.

robinPlease tell us a little about yourself.

My professional background includes lay minister, journalist, and infant massage instructor with at-risk mothers and babies. I studied Creative Writing and Literature at the University of California, Santa Cruz and Stanford University. I love foggy afternoons and English tea and listening to difficult jazz with my hubby.

How did you become interested in Visionary Fiction and how do you define it?

I found VFA through my alliance with author Rea Nolan Martin.

I suppose my best working definition of VF is that it rises from a basis of human evolution, whether individual or collective. It is more of a literary category, in that characterization and themes involve multiple facets of experience, and deep regard for transformation.

Please tell us about your latest book. moojie_ippycover-copy

The Improbable Wonders of Moojie Littleman is visionary YA, written in the form of magical realism. Part moral allegory and mystical adventure, it tells the story of a disabled orphan boy who has unusual spiritual powers. At St. Isidore’s Fainting Goat Dairy, he befriends outcasts from an alternate universe, and embarks on a series of trials and misadventures. Determination to belong to a family fuels his self-mastery, and leads to one last terrifying trial.

If your book were chocolate, what kind would it be?

Great question! Definitely dark semi-sweet chocolate with blood orange flavoring.

Does this book fit into a series? What is the focus of that series?

Maybe. The idea of Moojie learning to “transmigrate” to the Light-Eater’s galaxy is stalking me.

How did you prepare to write about the book’s specific area or field of study?

First, I spent 35 years exploring spirituality, mysticism and self-realization. Ha! When the time came to put some of what I had realized into a fictional story, I needed help with background and characterization of supernatural extraterrestrials called the “Light-Eaters.” In some ways, they are fashioned after the Annunaki in the ancient creation text The Kharsag Epic. I relied also on information from The Golden Age Project and a book entitled, The Genius of the Few, an in-depth study of Kharsag Epic, written by Christian and Barbara Joy O’brien.

How does this book fit into your real-life interests?

Writing the book over thirteen years caused me to reflect daily and stay focused on what kind of world I wanted to realize for myself. Like most everyone, I’ve had some pretty tough challenges, one of which was raising a son with multiple special needs. The book has been my constant companion in the process of surrender, transformation and awakening. It’s as much the story of Moojie’s awakening as my own. I was hoping to offer it to others for the same reason, as a companion.

What are you working on right now?

Right now, I’m learning to balance marketing and promotion with working on the big screen adaptation of Moojie Littleman. By grace, the acclaimed producer, writer/creative director, John Crye (The Whale Rider, Memento, The Passion of the Christ, to name a few), has taken a serious interest in the book. We’ve come up with a working treatment, and will be meeting soon to decide whether or not to bring in a pro screenwriter for the rest. Working with him has been an amazing experience, and a privilege. Also, I’d like to get the audio book done before moving on to the sequel!